Monday, April 12, 2010

Painting like Georgia O'Keefe

This is the newest artwork up in our classroom.  Spring time makes me think of Georgia O'Keefe and her beautiful blooming flowers!

I showed the kindergarteners several prints of O'Keefe's artwork and talked about how she drew all of her flowers bigger than life, and filled the entire paper with colorful petals.

We started at the center of our 12''x12'' paper, using a yellow crayon to draw the pollen and delicate fillaments at the heart of a rose.  From there, each child worked outward, adding as many petals as they could fit on the square paper.

Since the kinders had never used water color before, I went over the basics and let the excitement begin!

I love how they turned out.

All children are artists.  The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
--Pablo Picasso